HTML5 took the advantage of the death of flash, when we consider the realm of digital advertising in general. With the upcoming of HTML5 having strong features to help advertising on-line, that are capable of bringing the attention of users to emails as well as websites, the web designers all over the world have ignored the importance of flash programmes. All HTML5 development services get enriched possibilities of making high quality advertisement banners over the web. HTML5 can lead your website to new heights with the aid of powerful media advertisement options. 

What exactly do you mean by the term “ Rich Media Ads” ?

In general, a rich media ad means the inclusion of expressive videos of good resolution as well as images that can express the details of advertisements to the viewers comprehensibly and quickly. It promotes very good interaction with the users, and mostly comes with a load of 40k, at times even more. The beauty of HTML5 is that it has advanced formats and platforms to control the Banner Flow to create conveying video ads. This article throws light on the question why should we create enriched media ads?

It offers more options for developers to be creative

Organizations or individual developers who deal with digital advertising, may have been using the same patterns of designing ads for a long time. They got only a few options to display their creativity. The entire scenario changed with the launch of HTML5. Developers, now are blessed with a superior list of ad types as well as formats for the development of expressive banners and advertisement. Really the chances for improving creativity are very high for developers while using HTML5.

User- Engagement

HTML5 advertisements call for greater level of user engagement. Every firm which provides HTML5 development services looks at this option as a positive trend. The ad banners that promote higher level user engagements can bring in good business for various entrepreneurs. If you compare the statistics of any digital marketers using HTML5 advertisements to the traditional ones, you will surely find the real difference. The advertisement which involves users engagement to a higher level will get beneficial returns when compared to the traditional ones.

The mobile as a medium

Perhaps the most important trait of HTML5 is the possibility of creating mobile compatible ads. Web developers extend their promotional techniques to any devices they wish to be. Screen resolution is not a factor for promoting ads designed with the help of HTML5. This platform offers a plethora of changes for ad creators.

Capable of adding any kind of data to reach more viewers

The amount of data conveyed using HTML5 ad banners will be so large than the ones designed using conventional flash programmes. Just check the quality of banners designed using HTML5. It excels in all levels of designing standards. To put this in simple words, users will surely turn their heads to read, or look into the contents included in an HTML ad. Any level of promotion is possible by using HTML5. Let it be a video email, a high resolution banner, or graphics, and animation, HTML5 is built-in for you to suit the purpose. To check the reach of HTML5 ads, just analyse the click through rate of your digital advertisements designed using HTML5, it will obviously be double than ordinary digital advertisement.


HTML5 will be getting updated to HTML6 very soon. Hence we can expect a bundle of features more. Web designers are waiting for the upgraded HTML5 which will enhance their creativity to sky level, a step higher than what HTML5 is offering, now.